Napier Mardi Gras

Photo ID: M3113-15

The name on the envelope is Mrs Frith. The date was the 12th January 1955. Event – annual Napier Mardi Gras.

Photo ID: M6049-15

The name on the envelope is Miss P Eton. The date was the 30th January 1961. Event – annual Napier Mardi Gras.

Photo ID: B6663-31

The name on the envelope is Mr Wilkinson. The date was the 3rd January 1961. Event – annual Napier Mardi Gras.

Photo ID: M3251-8

The name on the envelope is Mr O’Neill. The date was the 22nd January 1955 The event was the annual Napier Mardi Gras.

Photo ID: B8229-35

Oscar Diack. The Diack family were the well known owners of the Victoria Hotel on the Marine Parade. Brother Basil is still in Napier. 18 Jan. 1965. Napier Mardi Gras. (Updated 18 Aug 2019)

Photo ID: B8259-21

The name on the envelope is R Davidson. The date was 11th January 1965. The event would have been the annual Napier Mardi Gras,