Tag Archive: photo

Photo ID: P5566-13

The name on the envelope is Mr Boyland. K. The date was the 8th November 1965. Click on photo to see one more photo in this set.

Photo ID: P4570-21

The name on the envelope is Mrs Byford. The date is the 3rd of December 1965. Could be children from a wedding party.

Photo ID: P5480-32

The name on the envelope is Mr Burt. The date is the 22nd of either June or October.

Photo ID: P5471-30

The name on the envelope is Mr Burt. The date is the 22nd of either June or October. Looks like some kind of Prize Giving. Click on photo to see one more picture in this set.

Photo ID: B6631-44

The name on the envelope is Dingle. The date is 14th February 1961. The annual Napier Mardi Gras.

Photo ID: T8944-19

The name on the envelope is Miss Duric. The date is the 12th of July 1963.

Photo ID: P3114-27

The name on the envelope is Miss Dyett. The date is 30th December 1963.